Category Archive : HR Consulting

Several years ago on Thanksgiving morning my family and I were getting ready to head out to a friends house to enjoy a Thanksgiving meal and plan our attack for Black Friday shopping.

To our dismay, we noticed a lot of bubbling water at the end of our driveway and it had been raining for several days so we did not think much of it.  However it seemed as if it was a lot of water all of a sudden so my husband went to check what was happening and sure enough the pipe connecting the water company meter to our pipe had burst open.  We had no idea who to call so we were trying to figure out how to repair it, when a neighbor came along and saw what was happening.  This person took several hours (about 4 all in total) out of their holiday to help us get our pipe fixed just because his son knew our son.  We were so terribly grateful and when we offered to pay him, his response was simple  “No thanks, that is what neighbors are for”.

Now fast forward about 10 years I receive a call from someone wanting to get their resume done, I set up a time to meet them and when we meet we realize the connection.  Now I proceeded to gather all the normal information for the resume and actually start working on it a little while we are talking.  When it came time to leave he asked me what does he owe me.  My response “No thanks, that is what neighbors are for.”  He smiled and said he felt he should pay something,  my response was “you already did and you do not realize how much we appreciated it.

It just feels good when you get the opportunity to pay it forward to the same person who helped you when you needed it.



It is the season that we start thinking about how we are grateful for what we have.  Our family, friends, our homes, and yes even our jobs.  But as we start thinking about our jobs we start wondering about the holidays and the new year rapidly approaching us, and if it is time to start looking for a better job.

Let’s start with the basics if you are among the working class of people please be grateful for your job, as way to many would gladly take your job if you are not interested.   Second if you are ready to make a change or just want to see what is out there in terms of a job, then you are on the right track.

Looking for a new job and or career can be daunting, and stressful.  So take your time and get your self set up for success now so when the right opportunity presents itself you are ready.

First things first:

1) Get out your old resume

2) Is everything up to date?  Is it compatible with today’s Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) that most companies now use?  – If you don’t know ask around to see if someone you trust can help you.  If not reach out to a company that is willing to help you, many company’s including us at  will give you a free review.

3) Do you have a cover letter ready?  Cover letter should be no more than 5 paragraphs with no more than 3-7 sentences in each.  The cover letter lets you show case your skills and sell yourself to the company by highlighting your skills that match and how you can use them for the company.   MAKE SURE THEY ARE CUSTOMIZED to the individual company you are applying for.

4) Some times in order to get your cover letter and resume in together I suggest having a file where you cover letter is right before your resume.

5) Research the company you are applying for to ensure that you would be a good fit for them as well as they are with you.  Ex:  Would you want to apply to a job that makes meat products if you are a vegetarian?

6) ALWAYS have a second set of eyes read both your cover letter and your resume for any typographical and or grammatical errors.  The simplest things can make or break your chances so play it safe and eliminate any potential problems when you can.

7) Remember it is still appropriate to send a hand written “Thank You” card after your interview.

With these simple steps take the time to give “Thanks” to those in your life that you are truly grateful for.

Thank you to everyone who reads my blogs and if you have any suggestion’s and or questions you would like answered, please let us know.








With the year 2013 behind us, many people are looking at setting goals and thinking about where they want to be with their Career by the end of the year.  As you look at changing jobs, considering applying for a different position or maybe returning back to the workforce after some time off.  Then it is time to consider what your resume needs, does it need a D.I.E.T. or a B.U.F.F. up, don’t worry you are not alone in not knowing what we mean by DIET or BUFF, so we will explain.

D – De-cluttering,  I -Illusive, E -Endless, T – Tiring

or is it in need of a B.U.F.F.  …..

B – Beneficial – U -Useful – F – Facts – F – Functional

Well the true answer is that most people all need a little Resume D.I.E.T. and a little up.

Several resumes today are still showing that where they worked 20 years as a mailroom clerk and are familiar with facsimile machines vs. a Fax machine, both are proper terminology, however an updated use of terms will go a long way in getting noticed when you start sending out your resume for that ideal job.

Please reach out to us here at Resume Rx and see how we can help you with the Resume D.I.E.T or B.U.F.F.




Employers recognize that many employees work for a paycheck to make their lives easier for their families. Aside from receiving a fair paycheck, creating a fun, inviting work environment is an important way to keep employees happy. But how do you appreciate employees when you have a budget?

Employers seek new methods in employee recognition within the confines of their financial plans. Some of the more popular methods are typically overlooked and are very cost effective. Some of the simplest are still the best methods.

• Remember to recognize people by their name when possible. By simply knowing an employee’s name, you are telling them you care.

• Try to send a personal thank you from the boss, and or owner. This lets your employees know you care.

• Buy lunch for a department every now and then. It creates a fun environment for your employees to engage in and helps you get to know your employees as well.

• Organize company picnics including families. Letting your employees know that you care about their families is a good way to really get to know your employees on a more personal level, making them feel more important to you.

• Purchase movie tickets for a job well done. It’s a nice way to congratulate a worker.

• Give employees public recognition in front of their peers for good work.

While these are simple business methods, employers sometimes forget to go back to the basics. With these simple methods, you can ensure employee recognition and create an overall better environment around the office.