Have you ever been excited to apply for a position that you feel was created for you? Or perhaps you just like what you are reading and you want to see if you would be qualified. If so you are not alone, many people stumble across their “ideal job” and quickly throw together a resume to get their name in front of the right people.
“Throwing together a quick resume” will typically not get you very far. A well thought out resume should incorporate some very specific accomplishments of what you have done for your employers with are similar to the skill sets that the “ideal job” is looking for.
I am a strong advocate of having a resume ready to go at a moment’s notice, and that may take some time initially but in the end will be a good investment. As with anything the length of the resume is the key question. how many pages should it be – the answer is simpler than you might think.
If you have worked for more than 10 years then your resume should not exceed 2 pages. If you have worked for less than 10 years it should not exceed 1 page. Where we run into problems is when we want to show that we working in the “Ideal job” industry but is 15 years ago and we want to showcase that, there are ways that you can add specific job history without adding more than the last 10 years of work history, that is simply by listing the title and the company without more detail except for the areas in which you are showing them the relevance.
As for not having enough to fill up a 1 page resume, that is also simple, DON”T do it. While it is tempting to enlarge the print and stretch the spacing, it simply looks like you are trying to hard. Instead be specific on the resume and utilize your Cover Letter to showcase your talents.
We are here at Resumerx.com to assist you with your resume writing needs. As always, have a great day!
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